Thursday, November 20, 2008

My weight issues

So far to date I have lost 26.4 pounds. I am struggling big time with this. I look a lot better then I did and I am maintain just not losing anymore. I have gotten into a DEEP funk and am trying to get out. However this week I managed to create our working budget again, pay our bills, and even been better with my weight loss. Yesterday I lost 2.2 pounds just by doing good like I used to and not snacking and drinking tons of water. Thanksgiving is a week away. I would like to be down 2 more pounds by then. It would be AWESOME if I could hit the 30 pound loss. Its time to get back on track! There is no need for me to fail. I do so good when I try. Its just very hard and I feel I will ALWAYS battle my weight. If I could hit my goal I would be very happy. Within that goal I think I would look very good and you stand to gain or lose 5 pounds here and there. I'm back on track. This weight and depression cant hold me down anymore.


Tara said...


Sassy Cass said...

Hang in there girl! Keep chugging the H20.

Mama H said...


Just keep the small goals in mind... I find when I focus on my big goal that I get frustrated and tempted to "cheat" because I tell myself "I'll never get there anyway..."

You are on the right track! Kick butt and take names until Thanksgiving Day, then get right back on it the day after... Before you know it, you'll have met your goal!
