A very low key weekend I must say.
My mom and I did a little shopping Saturday morning!! It was sooo freakin cold. I felt like such a bad mommy bringing Aubrey out in it. I did get a few more Christmas presents though :P I came home to a complete disaster and so I had to clean that. I got some new X mas decor and put that up, changed stuff around. Its starting to look more put together. A little at a time....
Today I went and did my coupons...Got a pillow, make up, wall-e, huge box of whitmans chocolates, 4 stocking stuffer's for 8.00 oop :) Stayed home the rest of the day and watching Christmas movies on ABC Family...I'm such a loser I know you don't have to tell me :)
We are still having them....Money is so tight but it will get better after Dec 31st. I know it! Found out I no longer get pell grants from school :( Bummer for sure. Jeff finished our closet however we now need more drawers in there which will run us another 100 dollars we just don't have right now. We gotta finish up the holidays, pay our bills and wait for our you owe more tax then you escrowed bill to show up.
He finished the closet Saturday...Today he hung half of the basement stairs, mudded and will probably sand tonight. Tomorrow he will be able to work till 11:30 on it then we have family pics at pic people, visiting Santa, etc at the mall. So then he can maybe work a little more on it when we get home. I figure by tomorrow night we will have it full hung, at least one coat of mud on it all and working on the stairs. Im PRAYING it will be all done and painted by Thanksgiving. Im not getting my hopes up...
Busy week...
Jeff is home...his plans are to get the stair way done :)
Monday-Pics and Santa
Tuesday- Trevor has his Thanksgiving party at school and AUbreys first dental
Wenesday- baking, cleaning, everything I can do for thanksgiving, CVS @ midnight
Thursday- Turkey day then taking the kids to my aunts for a sleepover
Friday- Black Friday Shopping, and starting all the decor and lights outside
Saturday- We get our tree
Sunday- BE LAXIN as Trev says