Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Why am I an emotional person? Why are my emotions so up and down. I'm either really happy or really sad. There is really never an in between with me. I hate it! It really sucks. Last week I was up and happy and nothing could bring me down. I walked every night lost 3 pounds kicked ass with my eating and water! This week Ive been depressed not walking, eating bad, not losing and even spent money at the mall. It seems when I am depressed I want to eat and shop. I wish these doctors could help me. I want to be on meds I want to feel better, I want to be a better mother. THIS SUCKS!!


Mama H said...

I could have written that exact same post. Yesterday. I don't understand what is wrong with me, but I know something is. If you want to "talk" through email, I'm here for you.



manda said...

Its so great to know that I am not the only one that feels this way! Are you an emotional eater too? I feel like that is how I got this way!!

amandagower@comcastdotnet :)