Sunday, August 24, 2008

Less then a week..

till Aubrey's FIRST birthday party!!! We busted our asses getting the yard "safe". I would love for people not to be out there but hey what can I do. The back yard is cleaned out...We have NO grass. But whatever. We made a patio type area this weekend and put some flowers up...We also cleaned the teeter totter, kiddie bench and table, and sand box. We will also have a kiddie pool, and bounce house set up...

This is what I spent all morning working on...


Forcast says scattered thunder storms I hope its nice and sunny all day. I will be so upset if we are doing all this work and have to squeeze 40 people in my house.

I also put some fall flowers under this tree. They came out nice even though you cant see it that well in this pic.


In the house I added pics to my wall...It used to just have the two wedding pics. Not I think it looks a lot more complete!Photobucket

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