Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Please stop it all now

Okay so I'm sitting here folding laundry and all the white shit has stains on them. Look like oil to me but I know that is impossible. So I get to the bottom of the pile and Jeff's work pants are in there. Okay now his boss pays Cintas to do my dirty work. Honestly I would never wash those things by choice. They start out grey and end up black by days end. So I call Jeff O yea well I just threw them in the load you had going the other day! Well did you happen to look in and notice they were white and more important Aubreys Gymboree, my bras etc. O well just go buy new ones...O okay sorry I forgot we could just waste money. Im going to throw a 20 out of my window next time I drive down Route 3 dick...

I LOVE Jon and Kate plus 8. However I think their daughter Maddie is a little brat. But Trevor has turned into her. I used to always be the calm mother never had to raise my voice, always looked so very put together. Now Im that lady with no make up on, her hairs a mess, screaming and yelling at Trev. He hits, throws things, runs around, disobeys. It just plain sucks. My mom keeps telling me when he hits 4 it will all get better. We shall see.

Gotta go Aubrey is eating my coupons and we all know they are my crack1

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