Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rookie Mistake

We gotta do it. We have to get back on track. I am about to become even cheaper. I’m currently re-reading Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover again as a refresher. I am also reading Suze Orman’s Young Fabulous and Broke and Americas Cheapest Family. I told Jeff the house is in good condition now. We can only buy things that we need…that means food(only if it is on sale and hopefully I can mix a coupon in there with it). We have plenty of laundry detergent, household cleaners, and toiletries. I will only buy these if I can get them for free! As for the house we still need trim, some doors, etc. We will only buy what we NEED for the house. We cant even really go to cheap trips like the zoo, beaches, visiting family etc since it is so expensive to drive anywhere anymore! Its going to be hard to get back used to this lifestyle but this is what got us this house. I LOVE Mcdonalds Sweet Tea and its only a dollar so I have caught myself this past month going a lot to grab a 1 dollar sweet tea only because it’s a dollar. I had to re-train myself to think buy a tea maker, and some tea and it will pay for itself within a month. Aubrey also has a TON of clothes. I’m going to Gymbo to exchange some stuff for things she can wear in the winter or fall at least. Then our clothing budget will be down to 200 for the rest of the year. That’s mainly for Christmas, Jeff, and everyone having new shoes. Its going to be hard but it will be well worth it. The debt we just racked up was all for the house which is totally okay in both Jeff and I’s minds but it still needs to be gone asap!

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