Thursday, September 11, 2008

I hit the 20 pound mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I slacked off for Labor Day weekend and the week after Labor Day. So the following week(last week) I had to spend doing some recovery! I got back on track and finally hit the 20 pound mark today...Almost 21! Yay this gives me the boost I needed. Hopefully I hit the 25 pound mark by the end of this month the 30 pound mark by the end of Halloween. Its a little harded to avoid temptation with all the pies, candy, and crap around this time of year. But I am doing okay. I would never say no nothing at all bc I feel like it would lead to failure. I have a little this a little that and make sure that I walk the days I indulge!

Today is Trevor's first day of pre-school...just 1.5 hours today but he still is so excited. I think Aubrey and I will come back home and go for a nice long walk!

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