Thursday, September 25, 2008


YAY!! I used spark people yesterday and didn't eat after 7 and drank more water and who is back to losing!! I am only 2.8 pounds away from my Oct 31st goal of a loss of 25 pounds. I think I can def meet that and hopefully pass it.

On the sad note my lap top stopped charging. Jeff cannot tell if it is the charger or lap top itself! I will be out of a computer until we can fix it or we get carpet downstairs and I can be on from down here :( Im so sad I love mommas puter time as Trev calls it.

However on the carpet issue we bought it all last night and Jeff's brother said if his games on Friday or Saturday get rained out he will come down and install it if not maybe Tuesday. I hope its Friday or Saturday bc then I can get the room all set up and they can enjoy it. We are also decorating for huck a ween Saturday since its going to be a nasty rainy day....

1 comment:

Mama H said...


That is AWESOME! I am on SparkPeople, too... what is your screenname? I'd love to be your "buddy" if you don't mind...


Oh, and the plan for the challenge sounds GREAT to me! I cannot wait to see who wins (of course I hope it is me, but I have to admit I'd be SO happy for you if you win!!!)
