Thursday, January 24, 2008

Being a mommy

I am like any mom. I have my good and bad days. I really don't know how I ever survived without my babies.

As I sit down writing this Trev and I are going back and forth singing Patty Cake. He does the motions and we go through mommy, Aubrey and Trev for the end of the song when you say (name)and me. He now ran in his room and is playing with his Spiderman figures singing pider man pider man pider man pider man. Hes so sweet.

Now Aubrey has discovered her hands and feet recently. She will stop dead in her tracks and just stare like holy crap what are these things. She just stares at them and I will talk to her in my very high pitch annoying baby voice and she giggles and starts shaking in excitement :)

I have a lot of bad days where I really suffer with getting anything done with them. If you know me you know I like my apartment spot less, I like my homework for school completed a week or two before its due. However Im learning to relax a little because I will never ever get this time back with my kids. I feel somedays Im not truly greatful for how great of an opportunity I have to be able to stay at home with my kids and witness everything myself.

Like the silly little things. Trevor just came in mommy I had a big accident in my underwear. So I felt his underwear and said yea you peed a little so go potty and I will wipe you down and put a new pair on. Just try better next time. Im not mad. Yea mommy but I Am mad I had a big accident...To cute!

I am also struggling with breastfeeding. With Trevor I tried for 3 weeks he was so ill he had to go back to the hospital, I got infected so we just put him on formula. With Aubrey she took to it like a champ. She wont take pacifiers so I have a feeling getting her on the bottle will be hell. She also is very attached to me. I am the only one who can put her to sleep, the only one who can really soothe her, she wont let many people hold her even if Jeff holds her she has her eye on me. Its just very frustrating that I cant ever take a few hours for myself because she will need to eat. I know if I quit I will feel like a complete failure and really beat myself up over it. Noone ever told me breastfeeding would be so challenging. Well Aubreys getting fussy she must be sensing me talking about taking her boobies away from her lol....Here are a few pics for your enjoyment of Aubrey playing with her hands.



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