Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sick babiess

Last night it was my goal to get Aubrey to bed and then work on my 1000 word paper for my class due today(Sunday).

Did not go as planned.

She woke up about 10 mins after I put her down so I get her to sleep and put her back in her crib same thing. She would lay on her back and instantly get all stuffy and cant breathe. So last night I slept with her on my chest. We were up every 20-30 mins. She did sleep about a hr and a half from 6ish on.

We woke up at 9 and she wasn't herself. Didn't want to open her eyes just kept crying. So I changed her and was sitting up and she fell asleep again. Shes been sleeping most the day, not smiling. Shes sleeping with Jeff as we speak. You know shes sick cause she will NEVER sleep with him. I did get my paper done thank god!

I'm exhausted but I just cant sleep because I'm so worried about her. She has a temp of 99 the docs said keep Tylenol in her and if she stops eating then call them back(Which pisses me off to no end) I wish there was something a doc or I could do for my poor little peanut. However I am selfishly LOVING all the snuggles :)

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