Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For sale!!

Yes I'm trying to get rid of the toys I bought on clearance throughout the year that we didn't and will not use. Feel free to check it out. If your interested in anything let me know!


Angie said...

I definitely want some of your "crap!" Money is tight this year and my kids would love some of the stuff you have. Give me a week to look at it again though. I get paid next week and if you have the stuff left that I want, I'll take it off your hands!!

manda said...

take what you want...Just let me know and I will hold off for you :)

Angie said...

K, you'll have to let me know what shipping will be. My zip code is 46561. I want the Connect 4 game, The Power Ranger Jungle Fury guy, The carnivores Tiger car, The Power Rangers Heroes guy, PR action gear, carnivores shark, and I guess that's it. There are a few more like the word whammer and game thing that I'd like, but I'm not sure how much money is coming in. If they are still around I'll let you know! My e-mail is rajah1000@ gmail.com if you want to e-mail me a total. I might be able to swing it this week. I just have to check my account.

You are awesome!